Literature is expression of culture which reflect exist revolution in the society, connecting between one with other and old happened forward to the new happened, that is ware or unconsciousness. It is result from create, imagine, and inspiration in creation something or the result of imagination someone in expressing from their artistic soul like dancing, painting, and literature ( novel and poet ). Literature must coherent, in create literature human can’t separate themselves with surround and society, because they have relation together, for example content in a novel must same from title so the reader enjoy that story, than novel is reflect from human life with their surround or society which involving kinds of conflict like individual and society conflict. individual conflict can reflected like person in facing kinds of problem in their life, etc. society conflict can be reflected like conflict in religion, politic, and other germ, usually caused by differentiation opinion, they make a novel with aim to bring the reader to sink in the imagine world.
Beside it novel have relation with culture which can’t separated each other, because human to be subject in there, than novel is the result from create, imagination, and instinct, like dance art, painting art, and literature. Usually written novel involve human daily activity which to be point at inspiration in content a novel, in writing novel usually author use two methods, there are author experience and fact at society life.
The first method is author experience, it is very interesting because beside we write the story, we can remind all of the memories, which they had happened in the last time. ”According Nyoman Kutha Rana ( 2006 : 56 ) said that “experience divide of person experience, constructing from kinds of story / other people experience, and based at the power of imagination “. the statement at above, we can conclusion that it is include using biography approach, than it is systematic study about process creativity, as the member in society , the author themselves more success to printing society in a place where they live, the fact surround they done directly. If it connected with understanding in sociology, ” basely only small part from all of experience which can success to saved in human a wear, that is sedimentation old experiences include the matter as individual experience, collective, as intersubjective which at the moment will be appear again”. Bagar and Lukas ( 1973 : 85 – 86 ) in Nyoman Kutha Rana ( 2006 : 57 ).It is not anxious again if all of mind sometime lost and came back, “ because the brand human power beside limit, often remind kinds of matter in social life, so looks clear that “ human is a creature humanity, all of result from human activity, that is verbal or physic, who effort to understood secian like social activity , politic, and culture “.( faruk 2005 : 12 ).
write novel based person experience : example, when the author went to traveling to anywhere last year, there they found kinds of happened, which they can’t forgot in my mind, so it will be remembering me in next time. Using this method is more prefect in writing novel, we are gaining source from our mind directly without done experiment again in surround daily living or society. According (Rene Wellk and Austin warren 1962:81-82 in faruk 2006 : 61) said that “Writing novel based experience include physiology approach, because connect directly with author”. It is very clear if writing novel based person experience is easy because all source which will be write have in the author brand, so didn’t need experience.
Write novel based construct from kinds of story ( people experience ), in here author only listening story from other people which it was happened in last time or recently occur. It is using historical approach, because following mean and meaning of language which had written, understood at the moment written by author . Historical approach usually relevant in history traditional farm work .
According ( Nyoman 2006 : 66 )said that the problem which pointed object historical approach is :
- turned literature with them language as cause from process rising preview.
- the function and aim of literature at the moment raised.
- the author grade at the moment writing.
- Literature as the vice at their traditional period .
In this method the author must careful in listening and combining story, so their novel coherent in content.
Writing novel based of author imagination can said easy, because in write story at the novel without thinking too much, just exit all of idea in their brand. For example author create cartoon novel ( fictive ).
The second method is based of fact that occur in society life culture, it is connecting with human and culture. Culture is the whole context in which , think, feel, and communicate with other, feeling influenced by surround, instinct influenced by carriage from those human born.” Human was free born, but in anywhere is bound” (Rousseau in Munandar 1986 : 70), so in do something human is not free include in write a novel. Culture created in human based think and instinct so culture difference between human and each other. The result from literature used again by society.
According ( faruk 2006 : 60 – 61) said that based fisilofis sociological approach is connection hakiki between literature with social. connections it’s mean caused author:
a. literature created by author.
b. The author themselves is the member of society.
c. Author use rich which exists in society.
Author directly feels kinds of happened in society, for example they written a novel politic, social, and culture. There much happened which have done by author, so they write novel based look at and have passed in the society.
Writing novels is love activity in daily life, using all of brand to get ideas so created the best novels, and enjoy by reader. Novels cerate based experience and fact in society, These is method which used by author in writing novels, if we will write novels don’t leaving these method so you create best novels.
Faruk, 2005, Pengantar Sosiologi Sastra.
Soeleman, Muandar, 1986, Ilmu Sosial Dasar.
Kutha Ratna, Nyoman, 2006, teori,metode, dan teknik penelitian sastra.
written : Agus Triyogo
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