Friday, February 8, 2008




A. Background of the Study

Students need teacher to motivate them in learning English. It means that teachers have important role in teaching learning process. According to banardib (1998:65), stated that a teacher is any person on purpose influences other to achieve adulthood related to this study the existence of a teacher is very important. In this case, teacher must be understood the student’s need, differences and wants. As the one who know the students well, the teachers have to try hard to conduct the good interaction in the class in other to make optimal motivation. The teacher do not feel that any method or style is better than any other method or style but the teacher must feel comfortable to be guest in many instructor’s classroom so that they experience many different teaching styles. It is very difficult to change their appropriate style but teachers hope will feel comfortable using many different teaching styles because they have a huge impact on their students especially student’s motivation to learn English. The teachers expect that there will be one that the most comfortable style uses to get the best interaction in the class.

Teaching is not an easy task to do, especially in teaching English. Every English teacher hopes that they expect to be able to manage the classroom well and employ various techniques of language teaching. More than anything else, they expect the students will enjoy learning English and the classroom will be more interesting. However, not all English teachers get difficulties in managing the classroom. Consequently, the class will be noisy and crowded. As good teachers, they have to prepare the lesson plan well and to think the best teaching strategy that will be applied in the class. “Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning” (Brown, 2007:7). Teacher must be able to develop their teaching styles because it can be increased the students motivation. They have also used the various techniques in teaching learning process.

Communication between the teacher and students as rule of process, which determine in teaching learning process, to motivate the students to learn, the teacher does not only give the subject material but also create an interaction or two ways traffic communication between the teacher and the students. Here, teachers have to explore the students’ ability or the skills of the students itself. Communication in the classroom involves more than one person. There must be someone to transmit a message, and someone to receive it. Besides giving the information and knowledge to the students, the teachers also use the best technique that can create good interaction in the class. Question and answer technique is appropriate to use to make a good interaction in the class. It is also can treat the whys of thinking in solving the problems. The teachers must be creative in applying this techniques as interesting as possible, in order to motivate them to be active participants. It is like what Brown (1980:101) said that motivation is keys to success in foreign language learning. So the teachers have to motivate them in teaching learning process to achieve the aim of the study that the students are mastering the subject material.

Teachers as a manager have to prepare or create their own teaching technique because it is depends on the teacher itself in showing their creativity of teaching process. There are so many techniques in the world of education but not all the techniques can be apply in one teaching learning process. As good teachers, they have able to choose the best techniques that appropriate to the student’s need and interest. By doing so, the student will be enjoyed the class because the class is interesting and full of motivation. In other hand, the classroom will not be passive and bored. If the teachers could create the classroom like what was told above it means that their technique was good and they are success in manage the class by using the technique.

To make the classroom more life and full of spirit, the teachers have to manage the classroom well by giving a good teaching technique. In this case, question and answer technique is appropriate to be applied. So in this paper we will be discuss more about classroom management, classroom interaction, teaching techniques, question answer as a technique and giving question to the students effectively.

B. Formulation of the Problems

Base on the background of the study above, the writer will formulate some problems as follows:

1. How to manage the classroom well?

2. How to create the good interaction in the classroom?

3. What is teaching techniques?

4. What is question and answer as a teaching technique?

5. How to ask question to the students effectively?

C. Objectives of the Study

Base on the formulation above the objectives of the study are as follows:

1. To describe how to manage the classroom well.

2. To describe how to create the good interaction in the classroom.

3. To explain what is teaching techniques.

4. To explain what is question and answer as a teaching technique.

5. To describe how to ask question to the student effectively.

D. Significance of the Study

There are some expected advantages that could be acquired from the study:

1. To the teachers, it can be an input for them to manage the classroom well, to make a good interaction in the classroom, to use teaching techniques that appropriate to the students’ need and interest and to ask question effectively.

2. To the students, it can interest them to study English, train them to be active participants, improve their skills especially in listening, thinking and speaking.



In this chapter the writer present theoretical which includes the classroom management, classroom interaction, teaching techniques, question and answer as a teaching technique, and giving questions to the students effectively.

A. Classroom Management

Teaching English is not merely explaining material in front of the class. However, English teachers are expected to be able to manage the classroom well. In other words, teachers should have classroom management skills. According to Eggen and Kauchack in Nurcahyani (1986:6) state that “the term classroom management refer to the combination of the teacher’s strategies and classroom organization factors that lead to productive learning environment”. This includes the establishment of routines school and classroom rules, and teacher responses to the students’ behavior and instruction that promotes a conductive climate to the student learning.

To manage the classroom successfully, English teachers need to carefully plan their classes, provide students with a pleasant supportive climate for learning, and create interest and a desire to learn English, establish control, and promote effective students learning. Consequently, the lesson planned should seem interesting, challenging, and valuable to the students. Here, a principal aspect of goal management is the maintaining of discipline and control. Orderliness is an essential thing in classroom management. In this case, the best discipline is self-discipline. If we can teach students to take over the responsibility for their own learning and to carry out this responsibility, we will have done much. Teachers should work to help students become self-disciplined.

Another aspect is good organization and administration of the classroom activities and materials. In well-managed class, students know what to do, have the material to work with, and keep on tasks. The classroom atmosphere is supportive and the materials of instruction are readily available. In addition, a key to effective classroom management is motivation. Students who are well motivated to learn usually do learn if lessons are reasonably well-managed. Here, teachers should persuade that learning well in their class is the important thing to do. Teachers have better chance to persuade them if they know students well. They can adopt the lesson to the students’ needs and interests. Then, the students think that they will find interesting and valuable from the lesson. In this case, English teachers should know how to motivate, communicate, and work effectively with students from culturally diverse backgrounds.

The aim of classroom management is to make students able to study well in order to attain teaching objective effectively and efficiently. Base on the definition above, it can be concluded that the class management is a teaching skill in managing the classroom life in order to get the effective and efficient teaching and learning process to gain teaching learning result.

B. Classroom Interaction

Teaching learning process in the classroom needs communication between teachers and students. Thoha (1993:163) says that communication is a process to send and receive news of information from a person to other person. It means that communication involves more than one person. To create good communications in the classroom the teacher must conduct the two ways traffic communication method. This method is a communication with the characteristic of feedback from the communicator (teacher) or from the communicants (students). In this case, the communicants is given time to react toward news or message which is received from communicator. So there will be mutual understanding between both sides (Wursanto, 1987:65). Students give opinion or question either requested to the teacher.

Surachmad (1986:20) says that two ways traffic communication is description of interaction between the communicator (teacher) and the communicants (students). So, the world interaction is derived from the word interact which mean “act on each other” for example, in a classroom activity, there is a student-teacher interaction in education setting. It is suitable to the statement of Brown (2001:165), “Interaction is the collaborative exchange of thoughts, feelings, or ideas between two or more people, resulting in a reciprocal effect on each other.”

Teachers can play many roles in the course of teaching. To make a good interaction they have to run their roles as good as possible. According to Brown (2001:167) explain that there are set of metaphors to describe a spectrum of possibilities of teacher roles to create an interactive classroom than others including teacher as controller, teacher as director, teacher as manager, teacher as facilitator and teacher as resource.

1. The teacher as controller

The teacher determines what the students do, when they should speak, and what language form they should use. The teacher must create a climate in which spontaneity can thrive, in which unrehearsed language can be performed, and in which the freedom of expression give over to the students make it impossible to predict everything that they will say and do. In the planning phase especially, a wise input to students, specify directions to be given, and gauge the timing of a technique. So, allowing for spontaneity of expression involves yielding certain elements of control to students, nevertheless, even in the most cooperative of interactive classroom, the teachers must maintain some control simply to organize the class hour.

2. The teacher as director

In some interactive classrooms, the teacher is like a director of a drama. As students engage in either rehearsed or spontaneous language performance, it is job for the teachers to keep the process flowing smoothly and efficiently. The ultimate motive of such direction must always be to enable students eventually to engage in the real-life drama of improvisation as each communicative event brings its own uniqueness.

3. The teacher as manager

As manager the teachers have to manage the lesson plans, modules, and courses. Besides they also structures the larger, longer segments of classroom time, managers of successful corporation, for example, retain control of certain larger objectives of the company, keep employees pointed toward goals, engage in on going evaluation and feedback, but give freedom to each person to work in his or her own individual areas of expertise a language class should not be markedly different.

4. The teacher as facilitator

The facilitating role requires that the teachers have to step away from the managerial or directive role and allow students, with their guidance and gentle prodding, to find their own pathways to success. A facilitator capitalizes on the principle of intrinsic motivation by allowing students to discover language through using it pragmatically, rather then by telling them about language.

5. The teacher as resource

The teachers are available for advice and counsel when the student seeks it. Sometime the teachers have to give a time allowing the students to proceed with their own linguistic development.

C. Teaching Techniques

“Teknik merupakan usaha pemenuhan metode pembelajaran di dalam kelas.” (Dardjowidjodjo, 2003:43). It is as an intelligence that used to fulfill the objective directly or implementation. Brown (2001:171), state that techniques (also commonly refer to by other terms): any of a wide variety of exercises, activities, or devices used in the language classroom for realizing lesson objectives. Nowadays, in linguistic teaching, language laboratory, cassette, type-recorder, closed circuit television, photography and the entire technique instrument are techniques.

Teaching technique is an implementation of method by teachers, it can be create by themselves base on students’ need and interest. They also can imitate the techniques from the books that written about many kinds of techniques in order to help the teacher making a good strategy in teaching process. In example, to improving the student’s skill in listening, the teachers are using tape-recorder as a media in teaching learning process – it is native speaker’s voice - : teachers use the question answer technique to improve the student’s skill in listening, thinking, and speaking. The teacher is hoped to be able to use the teaching techniques that suitable the student’s need and interest in order to make a good interaction in the class, so the goal of the study will be achieve.

D. Question and Answer as a Teaching Technique

In managing the classroom, to make a good interaction at the class, the teachers should be used a technique that effective to the students in increasing their skills and of course, the teachers have to smart in choosing the teaching technique because they have to use technique that appropriate to the students’ needs and interests. Question and answer can be used as a teaching technique in teaching learning process. This technique is oral exercise; it will form the main part of each lesson. The questions have been carefully graded to elicit particular types of response. In the firs lessons, questions should be asked fairly slowly and the students should be given ample time to answer. Once the class has become thoroughly familiar with the technique employed, the question may be asked at a brisk pace. In the past, teachers insisted on complete answers to all questions in the belief these enable students to practice using verb forms.

From Richard and Theodore (2001:170) can be sum up that in communicative language teaching, teachers used question and answer based on the dialog topic. Here, the students will be asked the questions related to the topic that was learned at the time, the teachers used wh or or questions. And using the questions and answers related to the students’ personal experiences but centered on the dialog theme. It can train them in the ways of thinking. According to Brown (2001: 167) explain that the functions of the questions:

- Teacher questions that give students the motivation an opportunity to produce language comfortably without having to risk initiating language themselves.

- Teacher questions that can serve to initiate a chain reaction of students’ interaction among themselves.

- Teacher questions that give the instructor immediate feedback about student comprehension.

- Teacher questions provide students with opportunities to find out what they think by hearing what they say.

Nevertheless there are the strong ness and weakness in using this technique. By using question and answer technique, the teachers can improve the students’ skills toward train the students to listen English words that given orally, to think critically in find out the correct answer, and to speak English bravely. It is good for students to achieve the goal of the study if they really appreciate to this technique, this technique can also make a good interaction between students and the teachers. However, there are the weakness of this technique: in answering the question, the students will get difficulties in given the correct answer in a good grammar, this technique would not effective if most of the students are passive or shy to speak up, un qualify questions would not achieve the aim of the lesson. So, here teachers are demanded to make a good questions that effective to the students.

E. Giving Question to the Students Effectively

Questions are motivational because through questions a teacher can engage students actively in lesson, challenging their thinking and posing problems for them to consider, capture students’ attention and provide a focus for the lesson, frequent and periodic questions can encourage active participation and provide opportunities in the lesson for continuous student involvement.

There are several kinds of question according to Alexander (1980:3-6):

a. Yes or no question

This type of question has objectives to train the student to the first word in each question and to use the same word in his answer.

Examples: 1. A: Is Nicolas Saputra an artist?

B: Yes, is / No, he is not.

2. A: Would you like to have dinner whit us tomorrow?

B: Yes, I would / No, I would not.

b. Question with ‘Who’

This type of question has objectives to train the student to supply the correct auxiliary verb in his answers.

Examples: 1. A: Who is in the library?

B: Miss Green is.

2. A: Who when to the library yesterday?

B: I did.

c. Double question joined by ‘Or

This type of question has objectives to train the student to give complete and accurate answer.

Example: A. Did Inspector Bones go to the library or to the police station?

B. He went to the library.

d. Other question words

This type of question has objectives to elicit short or complete answer to general questions beginning with words like When, Where, Why, etc.

Examples: 1. A: What did he do?

B: He went to the library.

2. A: Why did he go to the library?

B: Because he wanted to borrow a book.

e. Mixed Questions

This type of question has objectives to elicit the correct response to a variety of questions. These questions have been recorded after each passage. The recorded questions should be played to the class after the preceding exercises have been completed. The tape-recorder may be turned off after each recorded question is heard. There is a three second pause after each question.

f. Asking question

This type of question has objectives to train the student to ask questions.

Example: Teacher: Ask me if he went out.

Student: Did he go out?

Teacher: Ask me when he went out.

Student: When did he go out?

Adapted from Kinsella and Bloom in Brown (2001:172) describe the categories of questions and typical classroom question words as follow:

  1. Knowledge questions

This type of question has function to eliciting factual answers, testing recall and recognition of information. The common question words that used like: define, tell, list, identify, describe, select, name, point out, label, and reproduce. Who? What? Where? When? And answer “yes” or “no.”

  1. Comprehension questions

This type of question has function to interpreting and extrapolating. The common question words that used like: state in your own words, explain, define, locate, select, indicate, summarize, outline, and match.

  1. Application questions

This type of question has function to applying information heard or read to new situations. The common question words that used like: demonstrate how, use the data to solve, illustrate how, show how, apply, construct, and explain. What is _____ used for? What would result? What would happen?

  1. Inference questions

This type of question has function to forming conclusions that are not directly stated in instructional materials. The common question words that used like: How? Why? What did _____ mean by? What does _____ believe? What conclusions can you draw from …?

  1. Analysis questions

This type of question has function to breaking down into parts and relating parts to the whole. The common question words that used like: Distinguish, diagram, chart, plan, deduce, arrange, separate, outline, classify, contrast, compare, differentiate, categorize. What is the relationship between? What is the function of? What motive? What conclusions? What is the main idea?

  1. Synthesis questions

This type of question has function to combining elements into a new pattern. The common question words that used like: Compose, combine, estimate, invent, choose, hypothesize, build, solve, design, and develop. What if? How would you test? What would you have done in this situation? What would happen if…? How can you improve…? How else would you…?

  1. Evaluation questions

This type of question has function to making a judgment of good and bad, right or wrong, according to some set of criteria, and stating why. The common question words that used like: Evaluate, rate, defend, dispute, decide which, select, judge, grade, verify, and choose why. Which is best? Which is more important? Which do you think is more appropriate?

As a good teacher, we have to know what the effective questions for the student are. Effective questions are the questions that can improve students’ knowledge, students’ skills in grammar and thinking, and appropriate to students’ needs and interest.



Teaching is the process of transferring information that needs communication between teacher and the students so that teacher has to use various techniques that interesting to create a good communication in the process of transferring, in order to take the students’ interest in learning the subject material. There are several things that need attention by the teachers in teaching learning process.

1. Classroom management

To manage the classroom successfully, teacher should prepare the lesson plan carefully, provide the pleasant climate for learning, create interest classroom and motivate the students to have a big desire in learning. A good classroom management can create the effective and efficient teaching and learning process.

2. Classroom interaction

To create the communicative interaction in the classroom the teacher must use their roles effectively. Teacher as controller has to determine what the students do, when they should speak, and what language form they should use. Teacher as director must keep the process flowing smoothly and efficiently. Teacher as manager have to manage the lesson plans, modules, and courses. Teacher as facilitator capitalizes on the principle of intrinsic motivation by allowing students to discover language through using it pragmatically. Teacher as resource are available for advice and counsel when the student seeks it.

3. Teaching techniques

In managing the teaching learning process, teachers have to use some teaching techniques that effective to increase the students’ motivation in learning. Techniques for asking in the class are the teaching strategies that effective to the students in learning the subject material. But of course these techniques have the goodness and weakness; it is according to the teacher itself in applying these techniques, how they can give the questions to the student effectively.

In summary, teachers have to aware their function and roles in teaching learning process in order to make a good classroom management, interactive classroom and effective teaching techniques. Question and answer technique is teaching strategy that available for students in interactive learning to achieve the goal of the study.


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